Digital Disability Services: On-message, On-the money & now On-line!

1 March 2021

Like every other business I’ve invested in my digital offers over the last twelve months. I’ve been really mindful to ensure new on-line offers continue to meet my high standards by considering how they can remain engaging and inclusive and add the same value my in-person services have always achieved. I don’t mind admitting that I thought some services might not work quite as well on-line, but I need not have worried as all feedback is just as great and the best bit is that, literally anyone anywhere can access Making Lemonade services now!



My clients are loving that recordings of my webinars can be accessed after the event as well as live. They are proving to be a really cost effective way to get key messages across their organisations.



The PDP Experience that I deliver with Dave Rees had always been residential so a big no/no in pandemic times! Moving this personal development programme on-line continues to have the same impact and add the same value it’s known for. It’s a fantastic cost-effective alternative for organisations to invest in their disabled talent. Even better, disabled colleagues who would find it difficult to attend a residential course now have access to the benefits.


Our clients plan to continue with PDP On-line once Covid-19 restrictions are lifted and will offer both on-line and in-person PDP programmes to their disabled colleagues going forward: Win/Win!


Training & Coaching

My disability confident and vision impairment awareness training has proved successful on-line and I continue to coach remotely.


My mantra of, ‘if life deals you lemons…..make lemonade!’ has served me well over the last twelve months. I want to raise a virtual glass of lemonade with new and existing clients in gratitude and to a brighter future. I hope to raise a glass of something stronger in-person with you all at the earliest opportunity!


  It’s not been the easiest of times, but I feel privileged to still be delivering impactful support to people with an impairment or health condition and  supporting organisations with their disability inclusion agendas.


Please get in touch to find out more about my digital disability inclusion services…..