This is the question that was put to me by a large corporate recently. So, we turned the question into a mini podcast series and created three pods.
As the guest contributor I was asked:
1. What does good look like?
2. What can get in the way?
3. What can you do?
I often wonder what organisations mean when they share their commitment to being disability confident. I sometimes wonder if they even know what they mean when they share their commitment to being disability confident!
When a term like ‘disability confident’ is used frequently it risks becoming a convenient, catch-all phrase. It can seem to summarise everything, whilst actually meaning nothing.
We all know it’s your people who determine how disability confident your organisation really is. So, do they know what you mean and what it takes?
Focusing on it from three perspectives provided specific content relevant for every employee.
What pursued when we pressed record was a lively chat and personal examples which delivered practical answers to our three questions.
My next three posts will share some of my responses to, what it means and what it takes to be a disability confident leader, employee and ally.