Personal Development & Leadership Development Training

There are tons of personal development, career development and leadership development courses out there, but few are designed specifically for disabled people and people with a long-term health condition and not all are accessible. The programmes I design and contribute to cover key personal development and leadership components and are inclusive. Our unique position is  that disability, once  accepted and honoured, enables people to bring their best to work and be authentic leaders. We address barriers disability presents and take an asset based approach to disability in the workplace.

PDP: Training and coaching for disabled colleagues and line managers of disabled colleagues 

I partner with Dave Rees co-author of ‘Why are you pretending to be normal? To co-deliver personal development programmes for colleagues with impairments and long-term health conditions. We present alternative perspectives on disability and provide recommendations for managing perceptions and maximising effectiveness in the workplace. We also provide training for managers of disabled colleagues.


“A BIG thank you to Steph for being so open and enthusiastic. Her statements truly inspire me and the way she shared the way she deals with her own barriers encouraged me to look at me managing my experience in a different way. I very much hope the ‘Steph effect’ will stay with me for some time!”


Find out more about who PDP is for and why it works


Calibre is a leadership development programme for staff who identify as neurodiverse or disabled or have a long-term physical or mental health condition.

It has been designed to address the distinct, and often subtle, barriers disabled staff face in the workplace. I contribute to the programme and share knowledge and techniques to master workplace barriers and propose disability as an asset to leadership.

The programme was designed by Dr Ossie Stuart in partnership with the Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Centre at Imperial College.


“I fully endorse Steph as an expert in her field. She is very knowledgeable and thoughtful about the issues disabled people face both in their personal lives as well as in their careers. Steph has brought a uniquely inspiring perspective on leadership to those attending the Calibre programme. In addition she has a unique understanding of the challenges of workplace and how to use this to motivate everyone to see disability inclusion as a desirable goal. I recommend partnering with Steph.”

Dr Ossie Stuart